Bright mornings and lighter nights are a sign that Summer is well and truly here – giving many of us a joy de vivre as we make the most of longer days and time spent outdoors. But if you, or your children, are rising as early as the sun or finding it hard to get to sleep at night, opting for our latest innovations in total blackout blinds is a wise investment.

Here are five reasons why you should invest in Apollo blackout blinds and how the award-winning technology can help to keep your room dark in the summer and heating bills low in the winter.

They can help make 5am wake ups a thing of the past

Whether it’s you, your children or perhaps even your pet – with the sun typically rising before 5am during the heart of the Summer, it’s no wonder if at least one member of your household is disturbed by sunlight pouring in their bedroom. Bright, light mornings can play havoc with our sleep patterns – especially children who will often wake up raring to go at that time of day. If you, or your family, have been experiencing disturbed sleep because of the early mornings then a blackout blind could be the ideal solution.

When choosing a blackout blind to combat sleep issues, it is important to look for a model which completely eradicates light leaking in. The award-winning BlocOut™ blinds are the best blackout solution on the market today. This highly innovative roller blind system has precision-engineered side rails and when combined with blackout fabric, will provide your home with a blind with an unmatched level of darkness.

They will keep heat out

It’s not just the light that can play havoc with our sleep during the Summer, heat can be a huge issue too – especially if noise or allergies prevent you from sleeping with the windows open. By keeping it pulled down throughout the day, a blackout blind will help to keep heat out, keeping the room noticeably cooler when you go to bed at night.

They will keep heat in

Blackout blinds aren’t just for the Summer months – the are particularly effective in the Winter at keeping heat in, meaning that they have some great eco credentials too. BlocOut™ blinds have been independently proven by the British Board of Agreement to reduce heat loss by up to 43% due to their innovative made to measure design.

They are ideal for shift workers or babies and children who nap in the day

If you are a shift worker or have a baby or young child that naps in the day, you will know all too well what an issue an over light room can be to getting a restful sleep. No matter what time of the year (or day), a blackout blind will help to create the perfect conditions for sleep. Recently awarded a prestigious Red Dot Design Award, BlocOut™ blinds have been deemed to significantly improve the indoor climate for sleep – by creating complete blackout and reducing noise. They are also completely child safe with no chords.

The latest tech can put you in control of the light and heat in your home

Available with voice control and the ability to set the blind to your desired position remotely – you can now make your blinds a central part of your Smart Home. This functionality is ideal if you want to control your blind remotely to stop your home overheating in Summer, or to prevent heat loss in the Winter. It also provides an additional security element for when you are away from home. The SMART Motorised Blind system is compatible with Bloc Blinds’ Roller Blinds, BlocOut™ XL and Zebra Blinds.

For more information about Apollo’s range of total blackout blinds by BlocOut™ why not make an appointment with your local Apollo?